Measuring the Effect of Islamic Service Quality, Customer Relationship Management, Customer Satisfaction, and Loyalty in Indonesian Islamic Banking
Full Text:
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Kashif, Muahmmad, Sharifah Suzana Wan Shukran, Mohsin Abdul Rehman, and Syamsulang Sarifuddin. “Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Malaysian Islamic Banks: A PAKSERV Investigation.” International Journal of Bank Marketing 33, no. 1 (2015): 23–40.
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Lone, Fayaz Ahmad, Ebraheem Mohamad Aldawood, and Ulfat Rashid Bhat. “Customer Satisfaction towards Islamic Banking in Saudi Arabia: An Application of CARTER Model.” International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics 8, no. 4 (2017): 333–351.
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Sari, Devi Cornelia, and R. A. Marlien. “Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan, Kepercayaan, Dan Nilai Pelanggan Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan (Studi Pada Nasabah Tabungan Bank BNI Syariah Cabang Semarang).” Proceeding SENDI_U (2019): 497–501.
Sekaran, Uma, and Roger Bougie. Research Methods For Business. 6th ed. United Kingdom: John Wilwy & Sons Ltd, 2013.
El Sheikh, Samia, Yasser Tawfik Halim, Hosny Ibrahim Hamdy, and Mohamed Adel Hamdy. “The Impact of CRM on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty: Mediation Effect of Customer Perceived Value (Evidence from Hospitality Industry).” مجلة جامعة الإسکندریة للعلوم الإداریة 57, no. 4 (June 2020): 87–119.
Susanto, Heri, Siti Dyah Handayani, and Susanto. “Measuring Customer Loyalty and Satisfaction of Bank Bantul Using CRM and Service Quality.” JBTI : Jurnal Bisnis : Teori dan Implementasi 12, no. 3 (2021): 172–183.
Zafar, Mohsin, Sana Zafar, Aasia Asif, Ahmed Imran Hunjra, and H Mushtaq Ahmad. “Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: An Empirical Analysis of Banking Sector in Pakistan.” Information Management and Business Review 4, no. 4 (2012): 159–167.
Anggraeni, Rika. “Kinerja Bank Syariah Lebih Moncer Ketimbang Konvensional Di Era Pandemi.” Finansial.Bisnis.Com.
Bhakane, Bhagyashri. “Effect of Customer Relationship Management on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty.” International Journal of Management (IJM) 6 (2015): 1–7.
Denavi, Hasan Dehghan, Seyed Hamid Emadi, and Mehrdad shahbazi Manshadi. “The Effect of Customer Relationship Management on Customer Satisfaction and Competitive Advantage.” International Journal of Engineering and Technology 10, no. 4 (2018): 987–994.
Fauzi, Abu Amar, and Tatik Suryani. “Measuring the Effects of Service Quality by Using CARTER Model towards Customer Satisfaction, Trust and Loyalty in Indonesian Islamic Banking.” Journal of Islamic Marketing 10, no. 1 (2019): 269–289.
Ghozali, Imam. Model Persamaan Struktural Konsep Dan Aplikasi Dengan Program AMOS 24 Update Bayesian SEM. VI. Semarang: Badan Penerbit Universitas Diponegoro, 2017.
Kashif, Muahmmad, Sharifah Suzana Wan Shukran, Mohsin Abdul Rehman, and Syamsulang Sarifuddin. “Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Malaysian Islamic Banks: A PAKSERV Investigation.” International Journal of Bank Marketing 33, no. 1 (2015): 23–40.
Kotler, Philip, and Kevin Lane Keller. Marketing Management. Marketing Management. 15th ed. Harlow: Essex Pearson Education Limited, 2016.
Lacej, Arnil, and Ermira H. Kalaj. “The Effect of Consumer Relationship Management on Satisfaction and Loyalty: A Focus on Albanian Tour Operator Business.” Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 6, no. 2S1 (2015): 635–642.
Lee, Siew Peng, and Sedigheh Moghavvemi. “The Dimension of Service Quality and Its Impact on Customer Satisfaction, Trust, and Loyalty: A Case of Malaysian Banks.” Asian Journal of Business and Accounting 8, no. 2 (2015): 91–121.
Lone, Fayaz Ahmad, Ebraheem Mohamad Aldawood, and Ulfat Rashid Bhat. “Customer Satisfaction towards Islamic Banking in Saudi Arabia: An Application of CARTER Model.” International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics 8, no. 4 (2017): 333–351.
Othman, Abdulqawi, and Lynn Owen. The Multi Dimensionality of Carter Model to Measure Customer Service Quality (SQ) in Islamic Banking Industry: A Study in Kuwait Finance House. International Journal of Islamic Financial Services. Vol. 3, 2001.
Rehman, A. Asma. “Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality in Islamic Banking: A Comparative Study in Pakistan, United Arab Emirates and United Kingdom.” Emerald Group Publishing Limited 4 (2012).
Sari, Devi Cornelia, and R. A. Marlien. “Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan, Kepercayaan, Dan Nilai Pelanggan Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan (Studi Pada Nasabah Tabungan Bank BNI Syariah Cabang Semarang).” Proceeding SENDI_U (2019): 497–501.
Sekaran, Uma, and Roger Bougie. Research Methods For Business. 6th ed. United Kingdom: John Wilwy & Sons Ltd, 2013.
El Sheikh, Samia, Yasser Tawfik Halim, Hosny Ibrahim Hamdy, and Mohamed Adel Hamdy. “The Impact of CRM on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty: Mediation Effect of Customer Perceived Value (Evidence from Hospitality Industry).” مجلة جامعة الإسکندریة للعلوم الإداریة 57, no. 4 (June 2020): 87–119.
Susanto, Heri, Siti Dyah Handayani, and Susanto. “Measuring Customer Loyalty and Satisfaction of Bank Bantul Using CRM and Service Quality.” JBTI : Jurnal Bisnis : Teori dan Implementasi 12, no. 3 (2021): 172–183.
Zafar, Mohsin, Sana Zafar, Aasia Asif, Ahmed Imran Hunjra, and H Mushtaq Ahmad. “Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: An Empirical Analysis of Banking Sector in Pakistan.” Information Management and Business Review 4, no. 4 (2012): 159–167.
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