The Validity of Talak Outside the Court: Perspectives of Islamic Law and Positive Law According to the Views of Religious Leaders in Central Lombok
This study examines the perceptions of religious leaders on the legality of out-of-court divorce in Central Lombok using a qualitative approach and field research methodology. Primary information was collected through in-depth interviews with religious leaders and community leaders who have expertise in divorce issues. To obtain precise and comprehensive data, face-to-face interviews were conducted. In addition, this research utilized qualitative methodology to present secondary information on Islamic law and affirmative divorce law. Among the secondary data used were court decisions, legislation related to divorce, legal literature, and court decisions. This research examines the perspectives of religious authorities, Islamic legal ideas, and legal provisions that support out-of-court divorce through primary and secondary data collection. This approach is expected to provide a thorough understanding of the religious authorities' point of view and outline the actual circumstances surrounding the legality of out-of-court divorce within the framework of Islamic law and positive law in Central Lombok.
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