Digital Campaign: Character Branding and Framing towards the 2024 Presidential Election

Ahmad Zuhdi, Cecep Suryana, Rodon Pedrason, Satryo Sasono, Ahmad Musabiq Habibie


The existence of social media allows us to interact with anyone quickly and inexpensively. Political figures then use this as a medium in carrying out digital campaigns. This research was carried out to see how social media is used as a digital campaign tool by politicians to build a certain character or image in the eyes of society or the public. This research will be carried out using a qualitative approach and descriptive analysis. The data used in this study comes from the results of previous studies. The results of this study found that it is necessary to have a good brand or image from the public for the popularity of these politicians so that the implementation of digital campaigns can run effectively. Therefore, character-building needs to be done so that the digital campaign carried out to carry out the presidential election in the future can run well.


Digital Campaign, Social-Media, Brand Character

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