Al-Khidma: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

 Journal title: Al Khidma: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
 Initials: AK
 Frequency: 2 issues per year (January & July)
 DOI: prefix 10.35931/ak by  
 Print ISSN: -
 Online ISSN2807-7903
 Editor-in-chiefMuhammad Nasir, M.Pd.I
 PublisherBPPM STIQ Amuntai
 CitationGoogle Scholar | Garuda | SINTA

Al Khidma is a community service journal published by the Research and Community Service Agency (BPPM) STIQ Amuntai. Al Khidma Journal has a main focus on the development of sciences in the field of community service. The scope of community service includes training, design, community empowerment, social access, border areas, underdeveloped areas, and education for sustainable development. Community service contains various activities for handling and managing various potentials, constraints, challenges, and problems that exist in the community. The implementation of service activities also involves the participation of the community and partners. These service activities are arranged in an activity that aims to improve the welfare of the community. The purpose of publishing this journal is to disseminate conceptual thoughts or ideas that have been achieved in the field of community service.


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Al-Khidma Vol. 5 No. 1 Januari 2025

Table of Contents


Huswatun Hasanah, Ma'ulfi Kharis Abadi, Melinda Yanuar, Tifani Intan Solihati, Budiman Budiman